A Welsh Visitor.

If it hadn't been our Wetlands Bird Survey day today, I think it's unlikely that I would have got up early and gone out, but I really enjoyed it. It wasn't too cold and there was very little wind. It was pretty misty though - atmospheric at times, and the visibility was quite poor. It got progressively more drizzly too. The highlight of the outing was a Goldcrest which was feeding in a bramble bush at about knee height, just a few feet away from us. We stood stock still for quite a few minutes and watched it with delight. I didn't have my camera out as it was quite wet the time, but sometimes it is more rewarding just to stand and watch than to fiddle about with camera settings. 
This Cormorant gave me plenty of time to wrestle my camera out. I was able to get a shot clear enough to read the lettering on its leg ring, and a bit of research told me it was almost certainly ringed on Puffin Island on Anglesey. Just waiting for confirmation of the details.

Post Script
I've received notification from Puffin Island that the bird was ringed there as a nestling on 25/6/16, and mine was the first sighting since then.

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