What are we doing here?

A strange place with a big red light!!!!

A unique day, R's first day as a Uni student again!! She was up at 5am, over to us with the girls, then took the train from the village to Sheffield.

I took B to have surgery on his thumb, again, at a neighbouring GP practice, then home for lunch.

Knit and natter session this afternoon, followed by a short walk round the block with the girls before they had their tea. Breakfast had been very early and even though they had hoovered up the birdseed on the patio, they were hungry.

We walked up to the station to meet R off the train at about 6pm. The rain had stopped by then and we were all in need of a bit of exercise. They were fascinated by the big red light at the end of the platform and were as good as gold.

Home for an earlier than normal dinner and an early night. If we are going to have early mornings whils the girls are staying, my normal midnight bedtime won't work!!!

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