In da Lanes

Woke up to a misty morning, and it's remained misty for most of the day.  It's been drizzle showers too.  

Back to work after my long weekend off.  I've been working all day on the museum desk, and been short staffed due to staff illness.  It's been a busy day selling photos in Da Gadderie, a new exhibition opened on Saturday and proving popular :)  Mam popped by after work for a cuppa, and then a lazy evening with the telly.  A bit wet to travel far with Sammy tonight.  Off to work in the pub later.

I managed to stay dry during lunchtime, and enjoyed a walk about the town.  The town was fairly quiet, and not many folk to chat with.  I passed through the old lanes, and spotted a scene I'd never seen before, the back of Gladstone Terrace, Lerwick.  

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