Mid Winter?

It didn't feel like it today - it was positively balmy!

I thought the lane was going to pass in front of the moon this morning -- It didn't!  
Maybe if I didn't have a wide angle lens on the camera it would have (have you any idea how heavily this is cropped?)

Okay ........... Guess what this is.
Or this

Here is a clue

It is surprising how many lines there are in nature if you look.
Cow parsley  crowns
Mushroom gills
Leaf veins

Mondays are always busy - Breakfast the kids (they were not keen on getting up today), get them to school, walk the dog, do a shopping, visit mother-in-law, collect Squirrel, lunch, walk the dog, do some research on the computer, collect The Cygnet, do a bit more on the computer, take The Cygnet to French, play memory games with Squirrel (she is good), Collect The Cygnet ................. HOME!
Process the days pictures and catch up with e-mails and social media.

Is it bed time yet?


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