Stanley & Barbara

A meeting at almost the top of the dead end long long Longsleddale valley today - having spent the morning in the mancave doing another exam question I thought this would be a good chance for a blip.
The overcast sky didn't offer much, and there's a surprising amount of farming infrastructure in the valley (regular visitors will notice there's seldom much manmade in my blips), but I stopped alongside Swinklebank Woods to try and capture Shipman Knotts and Great Howe. Seeing a parking space I pulled in, but I was struck by this wonderfully placed bench.

A memorial to two people I've never met, but reading their plaque I could see they'd the best part of two centuries between them, even if they passed away a decade apart. On the back of the bench is a little repair, this bench has stood the test of time until these two could be reunited, clearly it means a lot to someone. I sat a while and thought of these two old lovers sitting here, holding hands, looking at this view - I hope it brought them much happiness.

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