And The Snow Remains

The snow is still melting happening yet!!! Where is that warmer weather promised? Where is the rain to melt the snow? 
I saw movement in the pine tree on the fairway so I zoomed in on a Flicker's silhouette  and snapped a few photos; opening the photos I could see him clearly sitting there, but didn't think the photo was anything special.  But I was cropping the shots when I noticed there was a second Flicker lower hanging on the bark. I like that you can see that there is still plenty snow on the trees and the ground.....there is even more snow on my lower deck that was blown into drifts. I suppose we should shovel it off, but we keep thinking the rain and warmer temperature will arrive soon.
It is fun seeing the Eagle sitting up on the #1 Popular page. He is a willing subject for photos when he sits on that tree near my home. Thanks for checking in again....see you tomorrow. 

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