Friday Foto

By drmackem

Clearing Out

Decided to tackle the rather shameful pile of tech that I no longer use.
An embarrassing stash of compact cameras, mostly belonging to the kids at one point in the last 15 or so years.
Then I set my eye on this one, my first ever digital camera, and I'm not offloading it, because it still brings me joy.
We bought this prior to a years trip to New Zealand to work and study and play in 2001/2. A sabbatical for me. I wanted a camera that would go wherever, rather than the slr which took a bit of commitment to lug around.
A small, but solid brushed metal affair, classy design, it captured many memories that as a family we still look back on fondly. It feels weighty and solid and just right in my hand still. If the tech inside was a bit more up to date then I resurrect it as my go to camera again.
It all leaves me wondering and feeling a bit compromised by the incessant chatter in the ether to get the newest, shiniest, whizziest phone, tv, computer, camera, car......Objectifying aspects of our lives that do not find themselves enhanced by being objectified, and yet -I long for the company of Alexa.

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