Over Yonder

By Stoffel

A Wee Dram

My Dear Fellow,

I was in The Stockbridge Tap tonight, a lovely little bar. I was to meet our landlady to agree the duration of our stay in the flat.

She is a very nice lady and told me a bit of the history of the place. She bought it for £28k just under 30 years ago. The tenant before her had lived here since 1910.

She said it was a happy flat for her, and it definitely has that vibe for us as well. It might be small. We may have to annex part of the hallway as a bathroom when we get ready in the morning. The keyhole may be placed in the stupidest place possible, but it feels like home and we are all happy here.

And in other news, I had a MacAllan while I was waiting.

El P.

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