Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Lone fisherman in Bassenthwaite

Out in the Lakes again today for work. Weather forecast was for a dry day, really!! Well it started off nice but light rain was on the agenda for the morning. Had a short walk at Thirlmere again but there were so many people around and cars whizzing by en route to Windermere I was glad to get away.

Next stop was a little village nr Cockermouth so took the scenic route via Whinlatter where it was so much quieter. Still raining though and lots of low cloud drifting across the fells. Stopped the car a few times to take some photos.

After I'd finished my job the rain stopped, yee haa. So before heading home I went to my favourite place for Bonnie's mandatory paddle in Bassenthwaite. Of course the fact that there were some magnificent cloudscapes had nothing to do with it!! I met a very nice German lady there with a breed of dog I've never seen before, a Swiss Mountain Dog, very much like a Bernese Mountain Dog but with a short coat.

As I was playing with Bonnie in the lake I spotted a lone fisherman and zoomed in on him taking various shots and this one was my favourite.

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