Views of my world

By rosamund


Freya and I made a point of getting outdoors today. We all had a lazy morning then I practised the art of the poached egg at lunchtime, I will master those darned eggs!

Caught up with the last episode of Hairy Dieters and feeling suitable inspired we went out for a walk at Lunderston Bay. We kept up a nice brisk pace and walked from Lunderston Bay to Inverkip. I had never done that walk all the way before although I had almost half way from each end on various blip walks. Today was more of a fitness walk than a blip walk though and I was surprised and pleased that we had done 3.8miles in the end.

Once back home I cooked a delicious dinner for everyone including Butterscotch Pie which I had earned with my walk. Now it's time for TV and knitting . Hope everyone had as relaxing a weekend as I did.

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