Safety Pins

It's a constant source of irritation standing joke in our house that Mr K is rubbish at shopping. If he goes for tangerines he comes back empty handed because all they had were satsumas (FFS); he'll buy new potatoes when we need jacket potatoes;  he buys honey yogurt instead of mango yogurt (because it's the same colour packet. Idiot); he's a sucker for a multi buy (which drives me mad!!) and he buys expensive brands rather than the cheaper and perfectly acceptable brands we normally get.
I'm sure he does it on purpose so I'll just do it myself and never send him shopping!!
In the summer we needed a couple of safety pins to fasten bandages onto Miss L's arms. I couldn't find any of the dozens of hotel sewing kits we have with their handy tiny safety pins so Mr K went out to get some.
He bought the biggest crate of safety pins you can imagine. Hundreds of them.
And I would have rolled my eyes, got cross, muttered some Anglo Saxon, asked when the bloody hell we were ever going to need five million safety pins, and vowed - again - to do all shopping myself. 
Well today I stood corrected. Miss E said she'd like her Mummy costume to have the bandages pinned on. She thought it would look more real. Luckily we have a hundred weight of them just waiting to leap into service!!!
We had such a lovely day today with lovely visitors. Mr K's friend from university and fellow gamer, Mr P - along with his lovely wife Mrs N, the cute two and a half year old Miss S and an equally cute eight month old Mr S.
We had a really fantastic day with them! Lots of chat and laughter, a tasty roast lamb dinner, ice cream for pudding (for grown ups as well as the children because I didn't realise the salted caramel roulade was supposed to be defrosted for a couple of hours before you can eat it!!)
I haven't seen Mr P and Mrs N since their wonderful wedding which is far too long!! It won't happen again - we've already arranged our next get together.
Once they'd gone it was time to sort out Miss E's outfit for tomorrow. Out of yesterday's bag overflowing with white clothes she chose the white skinny jeans, a white vest and a white long sleeve top. The rest can all go back!!
I cut a few strips from the fabric I got from Ikea and vaguely pinned it round her arms with bits dangling down. She loved it!!!! 
I couldn't really pin all the "bandages" on tonight as she'd never get it all off and on again properly. It'll have to wait until the morning. Nothing like leaving it until the last minute!

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