living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Sleep and how I wish there were more of it...

So Ash has gotten into the habit lately of refusing to sleep alone. At night, no problem- we're all in the big bed, it works for us. But for his morning naps (afternoon ones have always been tricky) I used to be able to feed him to sleep and leave him on the bed to snooze for awhile. Not. Any. More. He either has to be in a sling or laying on top of me in this position. While it does give me a fantastic excuse to sit on the couch and be generally lazy it's not very practical for getting things done. And things do need to get done. *sigh* Crossing fingers this is a short phase. Cleo was never good at napping, either.

Today we continued Cleo's musical instruction with "Pheonix." There was dancing and general good time-ishness so all is good!

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