Marco is a young man, classically trained, who has been on retreat seeking something more. We have had some good talks.
I met him out on a walk today and showed him the old dilapidated house which holds the abandoned printing press, pottery wheels and other assortments of a way of life no longer possible for the monks due to age and dwindling numbers.
We opened a door into what would have been a small music room, and his face lit up. We uncovered this piano and he played me Chopin as we sat amid the ruins of a former way of life.
He was very good and at the end I said I thought that to be and do what God had created us for, what we were passionate about, was an act of worship. He agreed.
Thank you for all my stars and comments which I feel unable to reply to individually.
I awoke at 3.30am this morning, so attended 4am Vigils. When I returned to my room, I was just drifting off to sleep and possums in the roof right above me decided to party! Today I have heard them hunkering down. So feel a bit washed out but peaceful.
Am keeping tomorrow's inauguration in my prayers.
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