
By lynnjones7186

What a view

Today we decided to take a walk to our local park.  It's about a 45 minute pwalk.  Although it is not a large park it is beautifully laid out.  It boasts two Camphor trees,  which were presented to the park by the Japanese. See my extra.

  It is home to a large number of pigeons and you can buy bird seed to feed both the birds and the fish. It is a very popular park for locals and tourists alike.  We observed two young men trying to learn tightrope walking, fortunately they were only about 6 inches from the ground. On a more worrying note, we also saw a park gardener scale a coconut palm to retrieve the coconuts,  he was using a bamboo ladder, which literally consisted of a very long pole with bamboo pegs up the sides,  one the pegs broke of as he began his descent, a heart stopping moment.  Of course there was also a place to get a foot massage.  My shot shows the view of the park from the massage shop.  

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