Nice Muffins, Pat!

Yesterday was Pat's birthday and she had invited the coven out for a meal. I tried so hard to change the day I was working, but to no avail. They had a lovely time and it was a shame I missed it, but there will be other times. Pat and I had our own little celebration today instead. I had made a concerted effort to hit my ten thousand steps today as I walked to the shops and bought a couple of millionaire shortbread muffins for the birthday girl and I to nosh on. 

I walked round so that the cumulative step count would cancel out the cake consumption. A little candle on a muffin, a chink chink of tea cups and an afternoon of chumly chat....fabulous!

As for other news......well, I am quite excited! I had sent an application form off a week or so ago to see if I can get on the quiz show Tipping Point and today they phoned me up. I had a chat and then had to answer some general knowledge questions....all went well. In fact, I am going for an audition next week.....eeeek! 

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