The mysterious Amazon cushion
On Christmas Day my mother proudly handed me a huge soft parcel. It was an enormous cushion that I had supposedly requested by email. I was certain that I had not made any such suggestion, but still I said how much I liked my Christmas present. After all, there's always room for an extra cushion in my life.
We eventually worked out that my mother had seen an enthusiastic review of the cushion on Amazon by someone called Haze. For some strange reason she thought that person was me. She even told the mystery Haze that she would buy the cushion for her. I hope that the other Haze is not too disappointed that the object of her desire is now in my possession!
If you follow my journal you will remember that I made a green velvet cushion cover on Monday. Here it is, 'worn' by my Christmas present, and modelled by Granny Ted, Panda, and Mr hazelh's kangaroo.
My day: email, abstracts, project reports, expenses, presentation prep, and monitoring from a distance the movements of a colleague who had an unexpected trip to hospital today.
Thank you for all the good wishes yesterday. I had a wonderful night's sleep last night :-)
Exercise today: sit-ups, weights and stretches.
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