Broken Dog
Is Dog 'broken?' Regular readers of my journal will know he spent much of the latter part of last year with poorly stomach. Several hundred pounds, and many tests later, the diagnosis was still unclear - IBS or food intolerance! He now lives on a special diet food and no titbits whatsoever! All has been fine until a few days ago. Suddenly Dog has stopped eating said food. Normally loves it. Mr L in desperation has been offering him food from his hand which he has taken. The photo was taken this morning when I proved that there is nothing physically wrong with Dog, because even at 6am he was ready for a game of 'chase the weird light up ball'! This morning, once at work I got a text from Mr L to tell me he had taken the food bowl away, fed Dog from a table mat on the floor and Dog had gobbled the food. Apparently, it's all the fault of the bowl! Or, as son#3 says.......that dog is broken!
Visitors from The Seaside Museum today was enlightening and interesting. They are at the very beginning of their journey, only open for a year and a half and looking to build an education programme. Exciting times for them. I will visit some time next month to have a close look at their collections and offer some programme advice.
Phone arrived at the Insurers head office today, I do hope someone sensible ackhknowledges it is not workable. In fact, it too, is broken!
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