From 16th to 45th

An early start, lots of discussions, phone calls and, as ever meetings.

Then into town to St Andrew's House for a meeting with the Scottish Government. As ever the topic was how to improve the hearings system and how best to address the challenges.

The meeting finished sharp so I took the chance to pop into the Calton Hill cemetery - last blipped on 30 January 2014.

The purpose was to photograph the statue of Abraham Lincoln atop what I understand to be the only monument to the American Civil War outwith the United States. The staute of Lincoln is the only one in Scotland and was the first to a U.S. President outwith America.

As the transition of power in America takes place tomorrow I wonder - as we all do - how the next incumbent will exercise his authority. A fascinating read is Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin charting the rise of Lincoln and the way he worked over the years to achieve his aims. It was of his time but the commitment, dedication, rhetoric and plotting was astonishing. Will the new occupant apply similar energy? We'll have to wait and see.

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