
Auntie L bought the Little Misses lovely Snuggle Cushions and pillows for Christmas. They LOVE them!!!
Miss L is a sheep and Miss E is a dog! It was minus 1 this morning when they got into the car and this is the sight that greeted me when I got in. So sweet!!
Archie and I went out for a lovely walk this afternoon. It was gorgeous and sunny - unlike the rainy dreariness of the last few days - and it was lovely to be out in it. Archie spent the whole time jumping over fallen trees and dragging enormous branches with him. Brilliant!!
I took loads of photos but he's just a black blur in all of them! I need to try again with my proper camera!!
I had a doctors appointment in Bicester this afternoon. The kind you put off making because a) you don't want to find out you've got a life threatening disease and b) you know it's nothing!!!! All was well and I was pleased to have finally gone!
While I was there I went to Iceland to stock up on Fat Club ready meals. For that rare night when I can't do my usual three course gourmet meal for me and Mr K.......
We have two freezers and they're now both completely full. Time to start eating some of it I think!!
I picked up the Little Misses from After School clubs and it was home for a dinner of toasted fruit loaf and melon.
I had my first enquiry from my Etsy shop today. From a stranger!!!! Whoop whoop!!
From tiny acorns...........

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