beefy got up at 6.15am to go out for a run...what a nutter. that's dedication to the schedule eh? I went for mine too later - it was a really glorious sunny frosty morning but I wasn't feeling it on my run. weird how 12k last week can feel good and a 5k this week can feel hard.

I went with ruth to see shonagh who is in insch hospital. poor thing has clots in her lungs amongst other things, but as always she's doing great and is really upbeat. she's a total star and it was ace to spend a couple of hours blethering. ruth had just given her a mens health magazine for a laugh when the occupational therapist came in...shonagh needed her oxygen tube after laughing so much. hopefully she'll get home soon and be a bit more comfy in her own space, as nice as insch hospital is.

we had daisy's parents evening next which was great. she's a wee quiet toot doing her best at everything. quiet, works hard and easily distracted seems to be the theme.

and finally I sped off to my ceramics class. I made 10 tiles to be fired this week which I will glaze next week then paint. I wasn't that great at any of the techniques last term, so I decided to concentrate on what I'm good at, the painting bit. I might do some turning as well, I enjoyed that.

this is the shelving unit in class where each week you find out whether your stuff has survived the kiln or not. two of my turned bowls from last year hadn't, but one did.

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