The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


A walk along the estuary with Gus this evening as the sun was setting trumped listening to the news from Washington.  It was a calm evening with a rare showing of a setting sun after days of dirty sheep fleece skies.  The fluke fishers were dotted along the estuary's edge, and there were large movements of gulls heading downstream into the Bay.  A pair of goldeneyes was on the water, and as a curlew flew over them calling, the male threw his head back in courtship display.  

I have often tried to make a reasonable composition with this improbably horizontal lime tree. Tonight the light was good, and the fishermen were thoughtfully arranged.

It was a fine end to a good yet intensive week.  I was energised after a needlework session this morning, but in the afternoon the off switch was thrown.  That seems to be how it is at the moment, when my energy is good it's very good, and then it runs out suddenly.  Life is fine though, and I am still taking it one day at a time, moment by moment.  It's a happy way to be.

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