New Growth

on the cyclamen I was given by my parents last Friday :)

For FlowerFriday with thanks to Anni (BikerBear) :)

What a journey to work this morning...  So a lorry had broken down and a car had driven on the roundabout on the A339 junction to the A34..  The police had it cordoned I zipped into the other lane and went to another A34 junction...then a lorry jackknifed (but I still made it to work on time :))

Well I've made it to the end of what seems a very long first week full of online training ... and I've completed it all!  On the job training starts next week!

Odd question!  Does anyone know why one now has to provide HMRC with their email address?  I couldn't fill my P46 out without providing it...not happy about that at all!!!!

Very thankful its the weekend...

Happy Friday folks ;)

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