tea for … quite a few

It’s still cold and dark(ish) when we wake up.  

Last night we were out on the town at a dinner dance - we ate the dinner and watched the dancing - and Anniemay says, perhaps as a result of her second Prosecco “why don’t we get up first thing in the morning and go into town - I need to do some ‘looking up shots’ for my homework.”

I get up and peer out of the bedroom window at the freezing fog.  I’ve agreed to this on account of a wardrobe malfunction at the dinner dance, for which I am still in the dog-house.  No details - simply an honest mistake.  Could happen to anyone.

“OK” I say “let’s go for it”.  Anniemay pulls the duvet up tight.  She’s changed her mind.  “I need tall buildings and a blue sky.”  I suggest heading to the Central Business District and getting something to eat while we wait for the fog to clear.  “We can have breakfast at Brassiere Blanc.”  That seems to do the trick and we get to Blancs just as it opens.  

Anniemay to waiter; “table for two?”
Waiter scans empty restaurant; “hmm - let me see…. ha ha ha…” Pretends to look.
Me; “we’ll come back when you’re less busy”.  Pretend to go.
Waiter; “ ha ha ha”

This goes on for a bit and then eventually we’re seated.

Anniemay eats her breakfast with one eye on the window.  The fog clears and blue begins to emerge about half-past-nine, so we finish up and go.

It’s still bitterly cold outside.  This part of CMK is known as The Hub - a labyrinth of concrete canyons flanked by tall office blocks and apartments, opening out onto a square.  If we were in a European city we’d call this a piazza.  Possibly; if it were larger and grander.

The square is flanked by restaurants; now we know this is no foreign piazza - you have the same eating places in your home town.  I’m put in mind of Rousseau; “Man is born hungry, but eats everywhere in Chains”.  

Anniemay points her camera at the sky and I point mine through various restaurant windows.  And then we head home, so that Anniemay can do her homework while I have a go at making rye bread.  (see extra - first attempt without using a ready-made bread mix.  Not at all bad.  Will try adding chocolate stout and treacle next time.)

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