
After a several cliff-hangers at the end of each chapter, it is so satisfying when the author brings things satisfactorily to a close at the end of the book...

A few friends have suggested that we take the cowboys to court. To be honest, we've considered it, but frankly with everything else going on in our lives, we don't have the energy. And they are very, very canny with their legal stuff and that's on the advice of a solicitor.

However, the other way of looking at it is that it hasn't cost us a dime to get them to put it right. Even though they had to have three goes. R, our brilliant and competent, no-fuss, expert fitter and I were thinking about the fortune it must have cost Bathstore:

2 complete sets of tiles - floor and walls
2 bathroom cabinets (the first team plumbed it so that the original wouldn't fit)
2 heated towel rails
4 stone shower trays (including one from the depot of the wrong size and one this time that was cracked)
4 plate glass and aluminium doors (two were miss-fitted by the team #2)
2 poor quality splash boards (ditched and replaced with tiles this time)
1 rotten floor area under the tray (replaced and built up properly this time)
4 plate glass and aluminium end panels (to go with the doors...)
1 solid oak door into the actual shower-room replaced (team #1 - "joiner" re-hung original and cut it so it ended up as a parallelogram rather than a rectangle)
3 fitting teams (only one of which is any good, R, and he's not a team (well, a one-man one I suppose)

Now, we are over the moon with R's work. We have his number. Forgive us if we wait until the trial run on Sunday before we break-dance...

We've decided the best way to get 'em back is just to tell it how it is...

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