
L and I walked up to town for the Edinburgh 'Sister March' showing solidarity with the Women's March in Washington USA. The Edinburgh 'march' was actually a static gathering outside the US Consulate and the tight location meant it was difficult for everyone to gather round the speakers. I managed to move through the crowds to see and hear the last few speakers - this was Professor Joe Goldblatt. He had been saying he didn't have a Pussy Hat and so had brought his Moonwalk Bra but then someone in the crowd gave him a hat and he was clearly delighted! A colourful demonstration on a sunny morning but I wonder what purpose it serves. All part of the echo chamber as all those attending were presumably on broadly the same side of the political divide, while their opponents could ignore it and get on with their day. Especially with it being tucked away from the city centre - obviously there was significance in being outside the US Consulate but the down side was that it wasn't very visible unless you went looking for it. I guess it does encourage people by showing that they aren't alone and it is something of a show of the strength of feeling. It does take a bit of effort to get out there to protest, rather than just clicking a button online. But even a few thousand people in a city of half a million isn't a massive number. I mean, for context, later in the afternoon a non-league football team brought 5000 fans to see their team play Hibs in the Scottish Cup. I guess today's demo could be the start of something, encouraging people to take more action. After all, the organiser was a sixteen-year old schoolgirl from Glasgow. But all of it needs coordination and common cause if the forces of reaction are to be truly challenged. Where do 'women's rights' fit in the context of workers' rights, LGBT rights, rights for racial minorities and all the other disadvantaged groups in the modern world? In a zero-sum game too often we all get played off against each other, squabbling over the last biscuit while the 1% enjoy the rest of the packet unchallenged.

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