Demolision Saturday

Well guess what? I've got a sore finger, from when I finally managed to get the roof to collapse in.

Several attempts, but it wasn't working, until I managed to lever it off by using a spade. Unfortunately when it finally collapsed, the spade had a lot of weight on it, so got a wallop to my finger!

But worth it. If you look at the extra you can see it's current state.

But it was cold, and the light was fading; so I'll have another go tomorrow. But I did empty, tidy, and re-fill the main shed today - complete with a bigger table, which makes much better use of the space.

In other news, my fitbit arrived today, but I had to do a factory reset on my phone to get the bloody things to talk to each other.
In fairness the phone has needed it for a while, so hopefully this will speed it up again.

Might even re-install facebook on the phone; although I've quite enjoyed not seeing it.

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