Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


First thing we asked at coffeebars was 'do you have WiFi connection?' and when they affirmed we sat down and had our drinks while J&J got onto the internet with their i-Pod:) - J's holding it on his lap

They were so pleased of being able to read their mails and send their answers again after the fortnight of being out of reach while they cruised the arctic waters - then polar bears and walrusses and icerocks and 23 hours of sunshine filled their horizon - they've shared their wonderful images of that with us on their i-Pod.
And now the i-Pod is interconnecting them again with their home in WA where live their children and grandchildren and stories must be learned off:))
The Apple's tablet is such a perfectly shaped & designed device as its size makes it applications so readily accessible to young And Old!!

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