Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Wink at the Moon

Today, as suggested by the family of Neil Armstrong, I winked at the moon. Not figuratively; I surprised myself somewhat by actually winking. - And it felt almost bizarrely good.

I also read someone's online post pointing out that Neil Armstrong is one of the few people who will forever be in the history books. Without self-promotion (after Apollo he apparently gave few interviews, and just taught maths ... And how awesome would it be to have the first human on the moon as your maths teacher?!), or Internet followers, or any of the sort of crap that leads to fame nowadays, he will be remembered - for one of the most incredible things humans have ever done. Even when (if?) we do really travel beyond Earth, in millennia to come, Armstrong will remain the first human to have ever set foot (boot) on another world.

He will never be forgotten.

You should read this short piece by the Bad Astronomer.

Larger moon.

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