A day in Edinburgh

I had three meetings in Edinburgh today, starting at Heriot Watt Uni on the western outskirts, then a meeting at Holyrood, and finally over to Haymarket.

I was a little bit early for my meeting at the Scottish Parliament, so I had a wee wander around.  There were lots of filming related vans parked below Arthurs Seat, presumably because they were filming series three of Outlander. Unfortunately I didn't get to see any of the filming, or any of the stars. 

There are lots of independent shops in the Haymarket area, so my main blip is of a the clever display in a bike shop. Fits the WBC theme of 'Shop window display'. Not a great photo, too much reflection, but I was in a rush by that time, and still don't have the confidence to point my camera at a show window!

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