Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Mike's little joke

Rather than throw it away he decided to write this on and see how long it would take me to notice it.

Tennis lessons this morning. I felt guilty that Eva seems to spend a lot of her weekends watching Toby doing stuff so last week I asked if I could bring Eva too and the teacher said yes. Eva was really excited and I thought brilliant I can sit and get the walk schedules done for next week while they do tennis for an hour, then home and free for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately the teacher was mistaken and the session for four year olds was at 10am and not with Toby at 9. Eva was so looking forward to it, I couldn't say no to waiting. So I had to entertain her for an hour having taken nothing with me because I thought she'd be doing the session with Tobes and then had to stay there for two hours. Luckily didn't have to entertain Tobes for the second hour because he got to join in the session with Eva as there weren't many kids on it. Eva loved it. So that's Saturday mornings gone now!!

I had 10 mins to get something to eat before heading to the stables. Had a nice hack round the reservoir with Jenny and Sue.

Then off to Barrow to meet two new clients. One of them had two dogs, only one of which needed walking by us as the other one goes to the clients mum while she is at work. She told me he was a rescue and wouldn't come near us. By the end of the visit he was sat on the sofa next to me having his ears scratched. The client was pretty amazed and said it is really unusual for him to go to strangers. (Probably because I walk round smelling of dogs all the time!!).

Eva was curled up on the sofa fast asleep when I got in. Henry, Martha, Isla and and Evie had been round to play. She has been a bit under the weather but the sleep seemed to have done her some good as she woke up beaming.

Watched the Eddie the Eagle film this evening while Mike went to the pub with Neil.

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