
By Gochan6

Delicious Cupcakes!!

I'm sitting at work this morning, thinking, I need some food to get me to lunch. And not a minute later, I hear footsteps coming down the hallway outside, and a female appears in the doorway, and there's a light in the hall behind her, giving the appearance of a glow around her, and in her hands she holds a large round dish, and on the dish are a range of cupcakes (ok, I might be going a bit dramatic there, but it was an angel moment)....my eyes light up, and my smile goes wider than my face, and suddenly I have all these delicious looking cupcakes right in front of me.
Green tea at the back, and berry cupcakes in front - I had one each, and my colleague had the third one. Thank you Helen....Deeeeeelicious!!

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