Sunday: Drying Out

We did have plans to go out and do something but, if truth be told, we were feeling a little listless and lacking in energy so opted for a day in instead. Added to that, it's a very busy week ahead so it was no bad thing to just chill.

There have been a few teething problems with the house at we are now in. Just before Christmas, the gas fire stopped working and, as it was an obsolete model, it has to be replaced. Being without a fire wasn't always easy in the chilly winter we have just had. The fire was removed on Friday and that's when a leak from a vent on the roof was discovered. The hole is now drying out and the leak is another thing that will have to be fixed.


Finished Sam Selvon's 'The Lonely Londoners' about West Indian immigrants in London in the 1950s. It was very good - and it was written in a vernacular that really conjured up the voices in your head.

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