barking mad!

By mcd3

Medal, medal ....

Said in a Muttly stylee!!

Up at 5 to drop of a car at finish line so that we didnt have to wait with 45,000 other people waiting for the bus! Then back home for a cuppa (not a good idea with the lack of loos!) got Andy out of his bed and headed off to get the very busy train into the city.

The usual for me with a bit of a run, then a fast walk, then run, then inhaler, then run and so on! It was rather warm and there are some horrid hills along the way - but I do it and its great to finish!

My camera story is not good - completely stuffed now and this is taken on my friends rather old, not very good camera! I really lost without mine and see piccys everywhere but having nothing good to take them on! Dont even have a fancy phone - bare or is it bear??? with me!

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