Happy birthday!

To R for tomorrow.
I donned the apron and assumed a domestic godess role today, to make buns and a batch of granola, also lots of other jobs!! Quite satisfied with my achievements.
R called in on her way home from town for a cuppa and one of the White Christmas buns made for her birthday. The bun is missing the walnut off the top as she gave it to B. She is out all day tomorrow so we won’t see her. She took took some goodies home to share with P.
B had a GP appointment this afternoon as he has infection in the thumb which was operated on last Monday. He has been so good, kept it dry, straight etc ….etc!! He’s now on antibiotics, so hopefully it will look a bit better when the stitches are removed on Thursday.
We eventually took ourselves off to the the supermarket to do the shopping. It was quite quiet and uneventful. The scanner was reliable this time and worked until we finished.

The extra is another one of our regular visitors. I think that he is a sparrow, but he doesn’t behave like one as he is always on his own. He sits and nibbles the seed off the ground, chirps away to himself and doesn’t fly of when everyone else panics and disappears.

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