Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Beasts of the wild frontier

Sam's camera trap is up and running. First look at pictures tonight and we've got stills and video of passing deer munching from the forest door, some stills of Fantastic Mr Fox mooching...followed by Beth in sniff mode the next morning.

Sam's last prelim tomorrow, he's not sure how it's all gone so far, some okay, some fine, English not good, but I guess we will just have to wait for the results and take things from there.

The Eve of his first prelim was a parental milestone in itself. We had knots in our stomachs all evening and thought about him constantly the day of the exam, he seemed to take things in his stride, then it became the norm for the exams to follow. He's not a natural studier and I've forgotten all that good Access RGU parental advice my former work mates used to dish out, but I guess you never really practice what you preach. Nat 5 Biology tomorrow, good luck Sammy Sammy Sam Sam, we loves ya whateva fella!

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