E.B., EB, Emergency Blip,

Busy most of the day doing tricky poster for John's choir compounded by updated software which meant ages finding to where the various features had been relocated. So what in the old software would have taken me a few minutes, now took considerably longer and involved looking up instructions. Hey ho, such is progress. The trouble is I don't use this software very often - Pageplus - but it's very good for posters and small publications. The poster was tricky owing to the colour scheme and background image I had chosen which made legibility an issue - crucial for a poster advertising a concert.

Then a swift dash to Tring Choral rehearsal, challenging but then what's the point if it's easy? So, in the pub after rehearsal.... I hadn't got a blip. Friend are used to me taking random photos, so this is a vase in the pub....

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