Men folk...

...ahead of me as we left the cafe. Coffee stop between golf lesson 1 and 2. Picnic lunch in car between lesson 2 and 3. Then a nip through to Glasgow to get that wee lad a trim. Back home and warm through the dinner prepared by Mr R this morning whilst I was out walking with our wee visitor. A busy but well executed day even if I do say so Mr R and I a pat on the back for this one:-)

The wee lad woke too early for breakfast a quick nappy change, into his pram suit and then in the buggy for a walking tour of my running route. It was nice to take the route at a more leisurely pace and he had another forty winks...more conducive to a good day me thinks :-)

Then lots of walking during golfing lessons apart from the last lesson where we nipped to get printer ink...back in time to pick up golfer number 3...and then head for that haircut.

After dinner a relaxed evening in front of the TV. An enjoyable but busy Saturday.

Grateful to Uncle Graeme for squeezing us in for a trim and grateful to Mr R for his food prep...made all the difference.

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