A seriously grim day - grey, damp, generally urghhh. I've been working on an interesting holy well though and also indulged in a spot of cleaning. Dusting a window ledge (impressive eh,) my eyes thankfully alit on this teeny pot full of beachcombed cowries, dog whelks and a shard of delft - Tiny Tuesday to the rescue, hosted by the lovely jensphotos.
The teeny pot actually comes from Greece, purchased many years ago on our first ever trip to the country - Corfu.  It was one of those holidays when we had scrimped and saved every penny. The boys were only little, about four and six, and we had arrived in Corfu around 11pm. It was a package holiday and as we drove through the countryside we were aghast to see drunken rowdy holidaymakers spilling from the towns. A couple of hours later we put off the bus and onto a landrover and whisked off down a very dark and bumpy track before being deposited in our apartment. It was now about 2am and we just collapsed, no idea where we were.
Himself was up first, he pulled up the blinds and just said: look at this.
The view almost made me weep - it was so utterly beautiful!  Blue skies, blue sea, sunshine, trees and not a drunk reveller for miles. I have been an unrepentant Grecophile ever since.

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