
What a rush it was to meet Nellie of the Woods for a walk at 9.30. I tried to delay the time but she said others were coming so rush I had to! Fellow coop member had done something to her hip and couldn't move so I was on chicken duty. So having done my pets I did the girls, home to shower, up to feed Milkshake and down to the village. Where I met Nellie - and only Nellie! The others would perhaps meet us for a coffee at hers. We had a leisurely walk all through the woods - we spoke of Friend and He who shall not be mentioned and a whole lot of other things! Then tea and biscuits with Barry in front of a roaring fire! I loved the collection of creative things by the side of the armchair so it's an extra!
Lovely walk back through the woods to my house and before I knew it back to the girls on the allotment! Friendly robin was there as usual - I seemed to be surrounded by birds and animals with insatiable appetites! Home to feed myself and do some knitting! 

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