Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Tulilatva in finnish.

Slept late in the morning, despite of the workday. But I had so long a day in monday... The weather was sunny today, lovely -3c. So shame to stay indoors working, but sun heavenly was shining and warming my cheek. Felt good.

After a busy workday I made warm sausage bread for dinner in the oven. Looked ugly but taste was ok.

Then helped my son in filling a summer job application in the internet. He has dyslexia and filling forms is not an an easy task. He wrote everything himself, mut I helped in commas and corrected various words... the form was truly a long one, it took almost 2 hours to make it.

Took a macro shoot of the flower to enjoy the colous... and a glass of Baileys in the evening.

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