Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Tele addicts

Both of them are full of cold at the moment so didn't fancy swimming this arvo. So they snuggled up together to watch danger mouse while I cooked dinner.

Had a nice chilled out day. After a bit of house straightening we headed over to Rothley garden centre to meet friends for lunch. Eva went in the soft play. Went to see Lime on the way home. He was really jumpy- they all were. Think they have been shooting in the estate a few fields away.

Bike ride tonight. It was hard to motivate myself to go out in the cold and dark at 7.30pm. Managed 16.5 miles and both me and Jo said we could have easily gone further but we just didn't pick a long enough route. Actually enjoyed it for the first time tonight. Maybe I am getting fitter after all. Just got to get my sleep pattern sorted out. I think that will make a big difference.

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