Fit for function!!!
The caned rocker is now complete and ready to be returned to its owners when we next visit our daughter. We may get to meet them and find out more about the history of the chair.
I always provide a series of pictures with each item I restore, so that the owner is reminded of the original state (normally really crappy) and the stages in the restoration process. The pictures also help me in the reassembly process, if I've dismantled the item.
Smaller items I do alone, but B helps me with bigger pieces like this one which needed lots of stripping and two pair of hands to reassemble.
This has been an interesting piece to work on as it was my first use of sheet cane. Much prefer the alternative method!!
I hadn't planned to blip this today, but it was easier to photograph the chair in the garage with a plain backdrop than later in the house.
We had a text from R about 9 am to say she had landed safely at Heathrow and then a call about lunchtime as she was on the train homeward bound.
My planned blip for today will keep for tomorrow!!!
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