
As January limps through its last week, I will be glad to see the back of it. The month has been dominated by the Cold virus, the very one that has the Royal seal of approval and which has laid His Lordship and me low, although the former, ever competitive, was laid lower, and is still struggling to bounce back to gym fitness.

HL maintains he is a stoic and dares me to say so on these pages. Stoic is not the adjective that immediately forms on my lips as I consider his demeanour for the last 3 weeks, but sufficient to say that the thought of his getting anything worse than the common cold is not a welcome thought. My New Year resolution has been pushed to the limits of endurance.

However today is Burn's Night and there is vegetarian haggis, neeps and chappit tattles on the menu at the Dower House. I will encourage an accompanying dram of whisky for HL, although I think a preliminary one has already been added to the lemon and honey elixir he imbibes for palliative care. Whatever......... anything for a good mood and a quiet life.

This is a view over GeorgeHeriot's grounds to the old town with the Camera Obscura and the Hub in the frame.

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