Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

feeling very "poor"...

oh my god I had a night ..... yesterday I went to a friend - we're doing those girls evenings every 4 to 6 weeks.... We always meet up at one of us  - one of us is cooking and the others are bringing snacks and bubbles and wine .... and then we are chatting all night..
yesterday we were invited for mussels - I normally really like.. so after we arrived and had our aperitif we sat down for dinner... after one hour one of my girl friends left as she felt not good.... so we were a little concerned as she had to drive with the car but got a note that she is almost at home.. at 11 o clock pm we all said good night and went home.. I tell you  - while driving home I felt not that good and thought - only because one of my friends didnt felt good doesnt mean I have to feel bad also... I came home - just had the time to open the door and threw my keys on the floor and - there they went - the mussels... 
Holy moly - the whole night I was vomitting and today I dont feel very good - vomitting is over but I am very wobbly on my feet, headache and am not able to do anything but reading a little and listening to some music and news.. My other two girlfriends didnt felt bad - so my thought is if it could have been the mussels or any virus my other girl friend and I did catch...  so my photo isnt neither 'inspiring' nor 'eye catching' - its an "todays impression"...

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