Kenwood Renovations

A breezy day, but it's been dry and mostly sunny, with a beautiful sunrise.  Showers have come in this evening.

Another day in the museum office.  I've been busy there to rattle through more photos from the Punds collection.  The collection is from where I spent summer holidays with grandparents, so just loving going through them.  It's been a lazy evening, not even managed a right walk with Sammy, due to the rain.  Hopefully it'll clear up before I head to work in the pub.

I popped down the road again on my lunch break, but this time I was on a mission to get a donation from my old primary one teacher Andy Angus.  After a good yarn and catch up, I headed up the hill from her house for a look.  The old house Kenwood has been sold on recently, and looks like the new owners are well underway with the renovations.  I do love to see an old house brought back to its former glory.  And you can spy mam's house in the distance on the right.  Taken at Kenwood, Cunningsburgh.

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