
One of those days where I took some photos and they didn't measure up to my high exacting standards. So here's a spiky plant at the top of the stairs. Can't argue with that. Click you know where to favourite it! A day off work, but it filled up with things to do and ran off. Notably, a breakfast out at the daughter's place of work (job #2) - eggs benedict. My God, they were scrummy. No wonder they have a wikipedia entry. I see they could have been named after Commodore E. C. Benedict, a banker and yachtsman. A winning combination. And the last trip to the Book Festival, where I got a huge book called The Scottish Islands - the Bestselling Guide to Every Scottish Island. Aye, it includes the Bass Rock. And loads of islands I've never heard of.
And later Van Gogh to Kandinsky at the National Gallery - some great stuff and some of their usual trick of chucking some of their own collection in there to bulk it up. And I bought a postcard of this painting by Whistler. Get me!

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