Gwiwerod yn y coed

Dechreuodd y diwrnod yn oer ac yn niwlog., ond erbyn amser cinio roedd hi'n braf ac yn heulog, fel y Gwanwyn. Mwynheiais i gwilio'r wiwerod yn rhedeg yn y coed.  Roedden nhw'n gyflym iawn ac edrychon nhw sicr ar eu thraed. Stopion nhw am yr eiliad, fel pe roedden nhw'n siarad, ac roeddwn i lwcus i dynnu llun ohonyn nhw.

Mewn newyddion eraill, y foneddiges  ifanc yn y  llun yma wedi dewis fe fel ei phroffil Facebook. Dw i'n  hapus ei bod hi'n hoffi fe.

Fy hof gân ar hyn o bryd Tyrd ata i - Alys Williams

The day began cold and misty, but by lunchtime it was fine and sunny, like the Spring. I enjoyed watching the squirrels running in the trees. They were very fast and they looked sure-footed. They stopped for a moment, as if they were talking, and I was lucky to photograph them.

In other news, the young lady in this picture has chosen it as her Facebook profile. I'm happy that she likes it.

My favourite song at the moment Tyrd ata i - Alys Williams

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