Images from flowerspasms

By flowerspasms

a bit of local beer tasting, why not?

As there is nothing to look forward to except for a really long hard week, we've decided to try out some local beers: starting with a white beer created by the Papinot brothers in honour of the religious figure Calvin who died before he could perfect this brew which he started due to illness which forbade him
to drink wine.

This'll be followed by the Vollmond from the swiss german Appenzell & which is only produced (according the the label) during a
full moon when 'the finest organic ingredients are blessed by the mystical powers of the celestial body in all it's glory'!

& then if we're not too merry, we can then finish the evening with a bio Steinbok from Davis brewed in the Celtic tradition with caramelised aromas!

Cheers me dears! Santé! Prost!

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