The Demise of Olaf

It snowed heavily enough for me to make a snowman 2 weeks ago. Mr W....yes.. I'm

Anyway, I have been photographing poor Olaf as he slowly melts away because I'm sad like that but today I had to get rid of the final lump of snow as I was worried the grass would never recover. I planned on stamping all over it but it was just a solid block of ice! Shows how cold its been for weeks now!

Talking of cold, silly Mr W went to work on the motorbike today. I don't expect him to have any fingers or toes by the time he gets home! Meanwhile, I am warm and toasty infront of the fire enjoying a day off (except for yesterdays report that took forever), awaiting my friend Lena who's coming for a Fish Pie Dinner!!

Can I bring my scarf in now!!!

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