Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Stuffed up wiring

Chaps and Chappesses, my leeeetle grey cells have resembled this batch of wiring recently. Regrettably my internal wiring is proving very very difficult to sort out and the brain is physically painful at all times. Tasks which were once simple have become too taxing, eg paying for petrol by debit card should be easy, but it's not. 

I'm not one to give up easily, yet being sensible, another unfamiliar sensation, I have to admit that it has become harder to cope with the camera and computer. So......Rob is taking his Gorilla onesie and copy of "Dan Dare, a Life in Space," off to bed for a mental rest. 

Take great care out there; love hugs and a few dainty ear nibbles - you know who you are, Rob. :-))

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